Remembering Where "Drive" Has Driven Us!

Remembering Where "Drive" Has Driven Us!

Hi there,

I hope your week has started off well in your part of the world!

I was thinking about "Drive", this month's theme. I was trying to find words to describe that feeling of being "fuelled", of moving forward... And I got to remembering times where "Drive" was the force that got me off the couch and to an event, a party, a meeting... and suddenly, I could feel it - I was reliving it!

Times like the night I wanted to stay home (nursing a heartbreak) and found the strength to climb seven flights up to a friend's party - where I met the man who'd be the father to my three kids! ...Time when I didn't want to go out to a show and then was blown away by new talent that erased my exhaustion... When I went to a showcase festival, hobbling around with a cane because of crippling sciatica, and ending up having a conversation with a key industry member who's opened up a lot of doors for me since...

We all have moments where we're close to giving up - not necessarily on our careers - but on the small things which end up being pivotal to our journey. So this week, I'd like to encourage you to take a moment and reflect on those. You'll find an activity below.

xo Nat


Drive: A Reflective Activity

Write down three times you could have stayed home or refused an invitation (too tired, too scared, too busy...) but took a deep breath and went and did it. Describe how you felt before going, how you felt when you got there and how you felt when you got home. Underline or highlight recurring or strong positive words. Listen to your body - are you smiling? Standing a little taller as you relive those victorious steps?! Breathe and hold on to that strength for a moment... that's drive, right there! And it feels good! In the next days, anytime you feel your energy drain and a looming task bear down, tap into your memory and you'll feel your energy and drive return!


Nathalie Kleinschmit

Article by Nathalie Kleinschmit

Published 22 Jun 2020